
Customer Testimonials

Here’s What Our Customers Say About Us

Jonathan was brilliant from start to finish. Really nice guy, completed on time, no fuss and a brilliant job. Left our place tidier than he found it.
Would have no hesitation in recommending him.
Steve Bennett
I hired Dynamic Decor to come do some painting in our kitchen, bathroom, guest toilet, stair landing and five doors/frames and I'm very happy that I chose them to do so.
From the moment of arrival to the very end Dynamic Decor was very professional, polite and always on the said time. They did everything they said they would with true craftsmanship.
David Foster
Very pleased with the work completed and pride in his work that Jonathan showed. We would happily have him back.
Natalie Cartwright
Jonathan was excellent. He communicated to us in an excellent manner throughout the job. He was very professional for the entire time and completed the job to a high standard. We would definitely use him again and would happily recommend.
Sabrina Owen
Dynamic Decor undertook a very large job for us in decorating our dining room and hallway with high ceilings and 11 doors. Very pleased with the final look. Would recommend their work and pricing is fair.
Mandy Gisbourne
Decorated main bedroom - painted 3 walls and wallpapered feature wall. Also painted walls, ceiling & paintwork for hall, stairs and landing. The job was finished to a very high standard. It was completed on time and at a price that we were very happy with. When the job was finished everything was neatly cleaned up and tidied away.
Kerry Smith
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